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Live At The Beach eBook



Included in this offer is a subscription (free) to Postcards from Paradise - a bi-monthly ezine to inspire you to create your version of paradise, where ever you are.


Leading Edge



Routes to Paradise:

Individual Coaching.

The most in depth, quickest way to effect inner and outer change. We meet 3 times a month for 45-minute phone sessions. (Local in person sessions can be arranged). Brief phone or email contact between sessions included for feedback, sharing problems and celebrating wins. I share resources for your growing tool chest and a laser sharp focus and dedication to your growth, progress and extraordinary success.

(Click here to send Anne an email requesting a complimentary consultation.)

Group Coaching:

A powerful way to move forward in fellowship with others committed to making changes in their lives. Groups have 8-10 members so you can benefit not only from individual coaching in a group setting but from observing and absorbing coaching of fellow travelers. Sessions are weekly with email contact between sessions for sharing resources and support.

Tropical Teleconferences:

Throughout the year I offer teleconferences and seminars on hot topics focused on accelerating your growth and success. The calls are packed with valuable content, practical tools and coaching to inspire you to get and stay on track to creating your version of paradise. Teleconferences range from one-session workshops to 3 month long programs. New programs are always being developed. All calls are recorded so you can listen if you are unable to attend. Notes and resources are shared after each call.

Intentional Vacation Retreats:

Slough off the old and allow the new to surface in a nurturing, supportive, breath-takingly beautiful setting. Rather than sipping pina coladas and getting too much sun only to return to the same old, same old – enjoy your time away in an idyllic setting designed to rejuvenate and refresh your inner and outer being. Explore routes to your version of paradise with joy in the journey and practical tools to get you moving in new directions. As a transformed being, you return home to transform your reality. Retreats range from week-end escapes to week-long immersions, and include individual and group coaching with Coach Paradise and other inspirational, expert Coaches; seminars and play-shops to spark your creative spirit, tap into your true purpose and provide you with hand on techniques, strategies and tools. Enjoy visits from healers and nutritional gurus, fabulous, healthy cuisine, Yoga by the pool, massage and aesthetician treatments.

Click here to contact Anne for more details about how her programs and services will help you be happier, healthier and wealthier at home, at work and at play.

* I am happy to create individualized programs to meet your particular needs and timeframes. I work with organizations, teams, and small businesses that are invested in exploring new visions and new ways of doing things to produce extraordinary results within and outside of the organization.

Your information is confidential and will be used strictly for the purpose of Coach Paradise updates and for scheduling your complimentary session.


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