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Live At The Beach eBook



Included in this offer is a subscription (free) to Postcards from Paradise - a bi-monthly ezine to inspire you to create your version of paradise, where ever you are.






"I started working with Anne several months ago. She has an easy going manner that makes you feel very comfortable from the beginning. I was referred to her by Eva Gregory and it has worked out so well for me. She always makes me feel good about myself and has helped me through problems that I had with my sister. I have passed on that information to other people because it is what keeps us from realizing true happiness. My sister and I are now very respectful of each other and work together like we did before we became adults and started a contest of wills. I look for the good things in other people as a result of what she helped me see. She does live the law of attraction. She lives in Paradise and it must be so beautiful there. I love talking with her and working with her. Everyone needs a coach. She lives what she professes. I am still learning."

Teresa Self,

“Anne is an creative, inspirational professional with an excellent knowledge of behavior and why people perform well...or not. She has an insightful knowledge of the law of attraction which she incorporates into her work. I have worked with Anne for nearly a year and have found her advice and expertise to be an invaluable coaching and learning experience. If you only have one coach in your life, let it be Anne Nayer; it will be the best decision of your life."

Michelle Creveling Scottsdale,
Arizona” April 27, 2008
Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity
Michelle Creveling.

Hello Anne..I would like to personally thank you for being there at the right time and in the right place for me in my inner certainly acted as a path finder for me and you supplied me with just the right support and direction that enabled me to get out of my stuck place and back into the were also validating to the process I have been using for decades in discovering my true self..thank is good and important work that you do for others.

Linda C.

When I met Anne, I was newly retired and not sure what to do next. I didn't like how I was filling up my time and was feeling kind of depressed. After three months of coaching sessions I felt engaged with life and more like myself again. I was excited about all the possibilities before me, had a new part-time job that was right up my alley and reconnected with my true passions - writing and traveling. I was feeling much better about myself and had come to see that some of the negative ways I saw myself simply weren't true. My confidence and enjoyment of life has kept growing. Working with Anne helped me to get back on track to being happier, as busy as I want to be, healthier than ever and looking forward to this next chapter with enthusiasm. Thank you Coach Paradise.

Grateful retired English Teacher

Anne, you are amazing! You helped me to get on board my own train to tenure and creating a life where I can teach, travel to Africa and continue to help the village projects that are so dear to my heart – I was struggling with creating a strategy to manage all the pieces of the puzzle and despairing about whether I could pull it off or not. Your faith in me set things in motion. You kept me on track, accountable and inspired and gave me so many tools that I will always use. Your positive energy and belief in my power to create my life was just the spark that I needed – I am on fire and burning brightly thanks to you.

Delma Jackson, PhD – professor of social work

Thank you. Thank you. When my book comes out it will be a direct result of our work together! Now that we’ve completed our amazing first six sessions I want to express my heartfelt gratitude. After just one life-coaching session with you- an extraordinary change occurred. The writer’s block that was the presenting problem at the beginning vanished and I found myself back at my desk, immersed in my Chinese translations and loving it. I attribute this breakthrough to the powerful life-coaching tools you shared and which I immediately started using. Since then you have shared others and I have quite a tool kit by now. The best gift from these sessions, even beyond being returned to my life’s work, has been the overthrowing of my cultural, universal, religious, deeply-embedded dogma that Life=Suffering. Through life coaching, Laws of Attraction and other studies and tools that you have shared, I now affirm a contrary view; that life is meant to be lived happily. What a revolutionary concept! – Informed and shaped by practical tools that work, that produce results – quickly, I have come to reexamine my long-held, only-held deeply tragic sense of life. Because of you AND my own willingness to give up self-destructive beliefs, I’ve realized the fact that “I’m much happier than the list of my woes is supposed to add up to". That, in turn, has made me more appreciative, grateful and expansive. If I’m not careful, I’ll start showing up to others NOT as tragic but as glad; then where will I be?? Life Coaching is amazing and you, Coach Paradise, rank among the greatest of Life Coaches.

Stanton Hager
Writer, artist and translator

Anne, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! You have really and truly
helped me not only survive this nightmare, but also do well. I feel different now, more confident, and clearer about who I am and how I want to show up. I can’t thank you enough. I have left your inspirational messages on my answering machine so I can be reminded over and over again and hear you holding me to be my best most powerful self.

English Professor

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